Terms of service

Welcome! By continuing to access this website and its pages you confirm that you agree to comply with and be bound by the 'Terms of Service' of the website, including any disclaimers, and the ‘Privacy Policy’.


You agree that you access this website and its content at your own risk. You agree that you are solely responsible for any action or decision you take (or refrain from taking) as a direct or indirect result of accessing this website and it’s content; this includes but is not limited to, making your own independent enquiries to determine if the information, services, or products are appropriate for your intended use.

This website and its content are provided in good faith and are regularly updated, however we cannot guarantee that there is no error within the information contained on this site. We make no warranties, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or its content, services, or products contained on the website for any purpose.

We take reasonable measures to provide this website free from any virus, or malicious software, or defects that could possibly harm a device, network, or person accessing this website; however we cannot guarantee the absence of any virus, or malicious software, or defects that could possibly harm a device, network, or person accessing this website.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Our Privacy Policy page contains information relating to privacy as it relates to accessing this website and it’s associated pages, features and services. This includes relevant information as to what personal information we collect, and how we use your personal information. Our 'Privacy Policy' is updated separately from these Terms. It is your responsibility to check the latest version of the 'Privacy Policy'. By using this website you show that you agree to our 'Privacy Policy'.

The information you provide within any consultation, coaching session, or correspondence is treated with the utmost confidentiality. You will be provided with further information regarding privacy and confidentiality as a client in the relevant agreement when you schedule an appointment, or engage our services.

Your Invitation

If you have reason to believe that information, links, coding, or any content contained within this website is incorrect, out-of-date, or harmful, please contact support@katienicholson.co with your concerns. We are committed to bringing you a safe and respectful experience, with easy to find, clear and accurate information. We will review your concerns, and correct, update, or delete the information as deemed appropriate, or if required by law.

Thanks for visiting!

Revised and current from: 21 February 2019, 6:47pm AEDT.