Privacy policy


You are not required to supply your name or email address, or register or login to browse the general pages of this website. Limited data, such as your IP address is collected as per our standard ‘Cookie Policy’.

By using this website or providing your personal information, you show you agree with this Privacy Policy.

When engaging in certain activities, like scheduling an appointment, making enquiries, making a purchase, or joining our mailing list, you will be asked for personal information so that we can provide you with the associated service. The personal information you provide to us is limited to what is required to provide the associated service to you. Your information is used only for the purposes for which it was provided.

The privacy and security of your personal information is important to us. We will not sell or give away your personal information. We will not provide your personal information to third-parties, except: as necessary to provide services to you (see the section "Third-Party Providers"); and, to the relevant authorities in the unlikely event that we are required by law to do so. 

access, update or delete your information

Please contact to request that your information be accessed or deleted, or to update the details we hold about you. Please be aware that we are required by government agencies to hold certain information for a predetermined length of time. Eg. Invoices containing your billing information must be retained for a prescribed number of years as required by the Australian Taxation Office. 

third-party providers

We use third-party providers to assist us with providing our services to you. These services include, but are not limited to: appointment scheduling; marketing emails; questionnaires; coaching calls. We use only third-party providers that, to the best of our knowledge, comply with our privacy policy and the data collection policies of their country/ies of operation.

The websites of our third-party providers provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date information about their procedures and policies for collection and storage of personal information. Please contact us if you require more information. 

Data Collection Example: Booking an Introductory Coaching Session

To assist you to understand the sort of data we may collect and how we use it, here is the example of the service of an introductory coaching session:

1) Your timezone will be ascertained by our third-party online calendar provider (Acuity Scheduling) to ensure you see your corresponding local time when booking.

2) We will ask for your email address so we can confirm and remind you of your appointment and contact you if there's any changes or follow-up required. Your email address will be added to our mailing list(s) only if you give explicit permission by opting-in. You may revoke this permission at any time by unsubscribing.

3) We will ask for your name so we can address you by name in emails and on our call.

4) We will ask for your contact number so we can call you about your appointment if needed. We won't call you or text you at other times, or share your contact number with anyone else. 

5) We will ask you a few questions about what you want from coaching, so we can save time during our scheduled session, and work with you to provide the best possible service.

concerns, questions, or complaints

We take your privacy, and our privacy practices seriously. If we become aware of any concerns regarding our privacy policy or practices, we will work to address these in a timely manner. Please contact us at with any complaints, or concerns.

Revised and current from: 11 August 2022, 4:23pm AEST.