Reflect and Reset for Better Strategic Planning

Regularly pausing to reflect helps us learn, grow, appreciate and move forward in a way that is meaningful. Reflection can take various forms, but implementing a reflective practice that works for you is a powerful way to recognise what you have done and where you have been. Whether it is in business or life, reflection helps us to make sense of things and notice patterns. It helps us to understand where we have come from so we can choose better where we want to go.

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Katie Nicholson
Three Principles for Confident Decision-making

Do you find it difficult to be decisive when there seems to be equally valid yet conflicting needs or wants surrounding the options? Do you lean towards people-pleasing, giving little if any weight to your own needs? Perhaps there are blocks or fears impacting your process. Is a fear of a public failure holding you back from decisive action? Is a fear of rejection or getting a “No” restraining you from asking for something important? Discover how carefully considering our core values and core desires, along with the impact we hope or expect to make can help us make decisions with confidence.

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