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Are you trying to get your business off the ground, but feeling overwhelmed or frustrated?
Are you ready to grow your business, but feel stressed out when you think about the extra hours you imagine you’ll have to put in?

Are you sick of being trapped in busy-ness? Are you over the constant go-go-go?
Do you sometimes think that your business is taking over your life, rather than serving you and the life that you want?

Do you feel stuck, think you’ve tried everything, and ask, Why is nothing working? Why haven’t I figured this out already?

You value service and freedom. You’re passionate about assisting your clients in a way that benefits them, and rewards you. You want to be effective as well as efficient, so you can spend time with the people and on the activities that fill you up, and energise you - both inside your business and outside it.

Like me, my clients resonate with the idea of living a whole life - a life where their business fits into and around their life; a business or work that provides the energy, joy, and financial reward they want, and the time and space to live. They want to define what success means for them, and are ready to make it happen. As an entrepreneur and business owner, I often return to this question - what does success look like to me, what part does my business play in this? This is just one of the questions that I review in line with values such as service, care, creativity, simplicity, ease, joy, honesty, and courage. What do you want from your sustainable, meaningful business?

We could be a good fit if…


You Resonate with…

  • Simplicity

  • Freedom

  • Service

  • Taking action on what matters

  • Acceptance

  • Joy

And want to say good-bye to…

  • Overcomplicating

  • Overwhelm

  • Unhelpful mindsets

  • Productivity for productivity’s sake

  • Self-judgment

  • Energy drains


You would like to work with a coach who…

  • Accepts you where you are now.

  • Thinks outside-the-box.

  • Believes there’s a time for getting serious, and there’s a time for fun.

  • Applies her ICF-accredited life coach and leadership training.

  • Does her best to ‘walk her talk’, but has still been known to occasionally overcomplicate things, stay up too late, and procrastinate with busy-work.

and who values…

  • Service

  • Failure as a learning opportunity (this can be a challenge, even though I’ve experienced its truth.)

  • Trust and Collaboration

  • Adventure and Curiosity

  • Lifelong learning and a willingness to experiment

  • Simplicity

  • Self-compassion


If you want to build a business or work that supports the life you want to live, coaching with me could be a powerful part of the process.

My foundational ICF-accredited coach training (CLCC) provided rigorous, ethical standards and a strong coaching and leadership skill-set, with an effective experiential learning model. I value continuing professional development and regularly engage in learning opportunities that strengthen and diversify my coaching skills and ensure I’m informed about the latest evidence-based principles in coaching.

I work with women like you who love to learn, grow, create, and serve. My clients value self-awareness, and recognise it as a foundation of successful self-leadership. I will challenge and support you as you move toward where, and how you want to be, as you make decisions that align with your vision and values, and as you face the fears and blocks that are keeping you stuck. Curious? Learn more about how we can work together.
